This program is geared for students who want an upper hand in tumbling for all levels. These classes are designed to help every athlete, from all sports’ backgrounds, learn how to perform progressive, effective, and powerful tumbling. These classes are perfect for anyone who is wanting to construct new skills, or fine tune the skills they already have. This tumbling curriculum offers the necessary steps to succeed in all gymnastics' forums.
Our program is a year-round program and enrollment is open all year!
**Please ask us about FUTURE CLASSES** 3 Students needed to start a future class.
Annual Member Registration Fee: $65
(One time fee per year that covers every member of the family)
Monthly Tuition Costs
(Month to month cost per class)
Trial Classes
$10.00 a class
Class Descriptions
Ages 6+ - $94
55 minutes
This is a beginner class geared for students who want to start working on their tumbling skills. Students are taught strong basics, conditioning, beginning with forward rolls, backward rolls, handstands, and cartwheels. "All are welcome. "
Ages 6+ - $94
55 minutes
This is an advanced beginning tumbling class to teach different types of Handstands, Round offs, Back and Front Walkovers and Front Handsprings. An essential class for those who want to advance their skills to the next level. They will utilize our trampoline, tumble trac & spring floors to fine tune their techniques.
Ages 6+ - $94
55 minutes
This is an Intermediate class where students will be challenged to learn how to safely connect tricks, such skills as, Roundoff Back Handsprings, Aerials, Front Hand Springs, and Roundoff Back Tucks. They will utilize the trampoline, tumble trac & spring floors to fine tune their techniques.
Ages 6+ - $94
55 minutes
This is an advanced full connection of tricks class. Students are building their confidence and strength with such skills as, Roundoff Back Handsprings, Back Tucks, Pike or Layout, Front Flips in a Pike or Layout and Back Flips with a twist. They will utilize the trampoline, tumble trac & spring floors to fine tune their techniques.
Pre requisite * Round Off 2 Back Handsprings and permission from coach.